+7 9517435737

Incense is a soft and nice way to use the power of plants. Fumigation is used commonly in rituals, in spiritual practice, offerings to gods, and in cleansing of ghosts.

Northern Incense

Modern scientific researches prove that medicinal smoke influences the air composition in the room purifying it from harmful bacteria that live in the atmosphere of modern city. It happens thanks to the materials contained in plants, which have antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

Also incense can affect psychological and emotional state, because their substances get to our body with a smoke and work there according to their qualities. What qualities? Read further about every type of our incense in detail.

Northern incense by Ognecvet

We researched ancient recipies of incense, methods of fumigation and properties of plants. And now we gladly share our secrets with you.
Наши благовония сделаны по рецептуре собственной разработки, это результат кропотливой работы.
Our incense is made with our unique design, it's a product of meticulous work.
Состоят исключительно из молотых кореньев, трав, цветов, древесины, грибов, лишайников, смол.
It consists of ground up roots, herbs, flowers, wood, fungi, and lichen. We don't use any essential oils, coal, or synthetic materials.
Мы собрали знания, провели исследования и тесты в своей лаборатории, отработали состав и создали технологию.
We collected knowledge, did research, ran tests in our lab, developed ingredients, and created the technology
Completely natural ingredients
Research and development
Detailed selection of ingredients.
Thick aroma and bright effect
Наши благовония сделаны по рецептуре собственной разработки, это результат кропотливой работы. Состоят исключительно из молотых кореньев, трав, цветов, древесины, грибов, лишайников, смол. Никаких эфирных масел, угля и тем более синтетических веществ. Мы собрали знания, провели исследования и тесты в своей лаборатории, отработали состав и создали технологию. Теперь мы предлагаем вам плоды нашей деятельности.
Hand work
Incense is made by hand, with love and intention. It offers you the nurturing care of mother Nature.
Choice of form
We offer incense in form of woodless sticks and a fine powder for sprinkling on embers.

Powder incense consist of the same ingredients as sticks.


Woodless Sticks

Forms of incense

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